Bug was found in a box in a field in rural Texas at just days old. Bug was born with a cleft lip. He looks to be a Pug. Our little love Bug is 1weeks old and weighs 5 pounds. He loves to be the star of the show! He is a very independent little guy who can figure out how to entertain himself no matter where he is. He is adventurous and is
Bug was found in a box in a field in rural Texas at just days old. Bug was born with a cleft lip. He looks to be a Pug. Our little love Bug is 1weeks old and weighs 5 pounds. He loves to be the star of the show! He is a very independent little guy who can figure out how to entertain himself no matter where he is. He is adventurous and is still figuring out how to play! He tries to growl in play, but it just comes out as a squeak. He has a big personality in a fun-sized body.
Date of Birth 6/12/24
Adoption Fee: $500.00
Yankee Doodle is a 11 week old, Male, Poodle/Doodle Mix. He was born with a cleft palate and has been successfully weaned. He is eating kibble from a bowl, drinking from a water bowl and doing great. He’s ready for his forever home, wherever that may be. He loves his chew bone and he’s still so laid back it looks like he plays in slo-mo.
Yankee Doodle is a 11 week old, Male, Poodle/Doodle Mix. He was born with a cleft palate and has been successfully weaned. He is eating kibble from a bowl, drinking from a water bowl and doing great. He’s ready for his forever home, wherever that may be. He loves his chew bone and he’s still so laid back it looks like he plays in slo-mo. He is microchipped and up to date on age appropriate vaccinations.
Date of Birth 6/29/24
Adoption Fee: $600.00
We recommend following us on Facebook for the most up to date photos, video and info on each of these babies' journeys! Please note, we receive several applications for each puppy, so we would encourage you to submit an application for the dog or puppy who captures your heart in a timely manner!
Texas Cleft Pup Rescue is under the umbrella of CCPR.
California Cleft Pup Rescue is an approved 501(c)(3) non-profit and all donations are tax deductible.
EIN: 87-2999653
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